I find conversations with dates dissatisfying, specially when they tell me the plots of films | Ask Philippa

‘If a date is boring, don’t waste your time. Mumble something about no chemistry and depart.’

2024-09-01  946  中等

I find it easy and enjoyable to meet and talk to people in shops, on the bus, etc, and count it as a real pleasure in my life. But, on the other hand, I often feel I must make reassuring noises as people sometimes start talking about quite heavy, difficult things. For example, I met a woman today for the first time and she started telling me about the problems in her marriage and with her teenage son. I felt a bit trapped. I think I would have preferred to have a more surface-level conversation. Especially as I don’t think I will see her again. I wonder if I find it hard to take up space in conversation so get other people talking instead. I’d appreciate your insights and advice.



