Sherwood series two, episode three recap – absolutely electrifying TV

Family values … Ryan Bottomley (Oliver Huntingdon) and Stephie Bottomley (Bethany Asher) in Sherwood.

2024-09-01  1006  困难

Stephie visited her brother Ryan Bottomley (Oliver Huntingdon) in prison to break the news. Racked with guilt because the attack was his fault, he leapt into protective sibling mode, vowing to take care of her from behind bars. When Stephie confided that she had “stopped the man, dead”, Ryan laughed proudly. What a reaction. He instructed sidekick Jordan (Tyrese Eaton-Dyce), last seen exchanging knowing nods in court, to relocate their drug business to Ashfield and keep an eye on vulnerable Stephie. For that, they needed funds.



