The Guardian view on MPs returning: a new generation can reset parliament’s authority | Editorial

Keir Starmer during PMQs in July: voters sent a record 335 rookie legislators to the Commons.

2024-09-01  578  中等

Prior to that, the authority of the Commons was already in decline. Pro-Brexit fervour among Tories bred contempt for the legislature, exemplified by Boris Johnson’s illegal attempt at prorogation in 2019. MPs were then marginalised during the pandemic response. This year’s general election provides the opportunity for a reset. Voters sent a record 335 rookie legislators – including three Sinn Féin MPs who don’t take their seats – to the Commons, more than half of the total. The more salient number is, of course, 158 – the Labour majority that is big enough to ensure that Sir Keir Starmer’s plans become law without much obstacle.



