‘What we know would freak everyone out’: meet the detectives hunting down the paranormal

‘Most of the time, it’s a plane going overhead or whatever. But occasionally, we can’t identify it’: Natalie Pearce.

2024-09-01  2471  晦涩

We had so many people get in contact to share their experiences, we began to map out sightings, create a database and hold meetings across the UK to provide a safe space. I’ve made lifelong friends; we meet for dinner and catch up on life stuff before switching to UFO mode. Two types of aliens are reported – the first is the “greys” – a typical grey alien with a big head and almond eyes that you see in the movies. The ones in charge are taller and the others are stubbier and shorter. They seem to be the workers. Then there are the Nordic-looking beings who appear to be a lot more like humans. Often people describe their experiences as being like a computer simulation with shimmering visuals. Most of the close encounters are traumatic. People report gaps in time, being moved from one place to another or sometimes being experimented on. It’s also difficult dealing with doubters. My family still thinks I’m absolutely crackers. But you learn to get a thick skin.



