There’s only one way to keep Germany’s far-right AfD at bay. Address the concerns it exploits

Björn Höcke, candidate for Alternative für Deutschland in Thuringia, gives a statement in Erfurt, Germany, following state elections on 1 September.

2024-09-03  920  中等

If there was shock, it wasn’t immediately obvious. Mario Voigt, leader of the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) in Thuringia, assumed the pose of an election winner, even though his party came second by some margin, with 24% of the vote. He announced he would begin coalition negotiations with other “parties of the democratic centre” – meaning without the AfD. In Saxony, where the CDU won narrowly, their leader, Michael Kretschmer, has also ruled out working with the AfD. In both states, this will require the centre-right party to build complex alliances with two or three leftwing parties.



