The anti-Labour rightwing press is on the warpath. If you wanted this government, defend it

Keir Starmer addresses the media in the No 10 rose garden, 27 August 2024.

2024-09-04  985  中等

As in those age-old tales of English tourists talking to foreigners, they just shout louder, remounting their hobbyhorses, disregarding majority views, like the old left used to. This media cadre, disconnected from the country, deceive the Tory party in its leadership election. Net zero antagonists ignore the 77% of voters who worry about climate change. The Tory press hammers Kamala Harris, yet only 21% of the UK public backs Trump. Hysteria about a “war on the middle class” (a few top earners fearing a capital gains rise) ignores recent public opinion polling showing that 40% support more spending on public services, even if it means that they personally pay more tax; only 27% want tax cuts.



