I am falling for an amazing woman who is a flat-earther. Can I reconcile my diminishing respect?

‘A relationship can go fine despite a difference in belief. A difference in deep values is much harder.’ Painting: Geometry by Frans Floris, 1557.

2024-09-06  848  中等

How should I handle this? She seems annoyed when I bring it up, and I probably didn’t handle it very well at first. I seriously care for her but I also am struggling with respecting anyone who believes such a nonsense conspiracy theory they learned about on YouTube. Please help!Eleanor says: I like the idea that there’s something intellectually deficient about you “following what you’ve been told”, when she learned this from YouTube, and when she’s teaching her kids to follow what they’re told – by her. This is one of the big problems with fighting conspiracy theories: they often don’t have much internal logic. What counts as evidence? What counts as falsification? Under what circumstances are you meant to believe stuff? Instead of consistent answers to those questions, conspiracy theories often give you principles topiaried to fit the target belief.



