American democracy is in peril. And racism will be the sledgehammer that destroys it

‘Our only choice is to fight – fight for our freedom to speak our history, to name our reality, to learn our condition and to vote to change it.’

2024-09-06  949  中等

The anti-woke assault on race-conscious history and knowledge and against the hard-fought policies to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is extremely dangerous, not only to people of color, but to stakeholders of racial justice and democracy. Despite the intentional misdirection, the war against woke is not just a war against critical race theory, but it is a war against Black history and the entire infrastructure built out of the civil rights movement. It is a war against our multiracial democracy that too many are unable to name. And because assaults that cannot be seen or named cannot be fought, the consequences are disastrous.



