Undemocratic and secretive: the BMA no longer speaks for doctors trying to protect children

There was ‘significant surprise’ when the BMA council voted to reject the recommendations of the Cass review.

2024-09-07  1107  晦涩

BMA members were genuinely outraged. Letters to the BMJ accused the council of bringing “the BMA and the medical profession into disrepute”. One correspondent said they were “more shocked than anything I can think of in 40 years of practising medicine”. Some members, aghast at the BMA adopting such an irrational policy, resigned after decades of union membership. A letter accusing the BMA of being secretive and opaque, and of going against the principles of evidence-based medicine and ethical practice, quickly attracted 1,500 signatures, 1,000 of whom are BMA members. The signatories include many high-profile names in the profession, people not normally inclined to sign protest letters.



