All these health scares are making me ill. I need someone to tell me croissants are good for you

‘Coming up on Beddington HealthNews: why a nice sit-down might be your healthiest habit.’

2024-09-09  367  简单

Honestly, it’s all just really unwelcome. And I’m pretty sure stressing about ruining my health is bad for my health too, so I’ve come up with a solution: wellness disinformation. There is this notion in the US of people living in a paranoid parallel world maintained by a diet of rolling ultra-rightwing news propaganda and I’m proposing something similar, but for health. Basically, I want to live in a bespoke bubble of vaguely plausible, bias-confirming delusion in which everything is fine, a little of what you fancy still does you good and too much of a good thing is even better.



