Labour is cracking down on truants, but as a mother and ex teacher, I know tough love goes only so far

‘I didn’t enjoy my own time at secondary school – though it never occurred to me that I could say no to going. I felt vulnerable, and that I didn’t fit in.’

2024-09-09  1237  困难

But to really tackle the problem we need to understand the myriad situations that lead to repeated absence in the first place. Years ago, when I was a teacher in the UK and not yet a parent, I couldn’t understand persistent absence, unless a child had a significant medical reason. As far as I was concerned, parents simply had to “make” their children attend school. Then in 2022, my eldest daughter developed school-focused anxiety. We cajoled her, reasoned with her and explained to her the importance of consistent attendance. But it got to the point where she simply felt she couldn’t go in.



