Trump will not prepare for debating Kamala Harris. He believes he’s perfect

‘Either Trump feels Biden is his real opponent or he must make Harris into Biden to return to the race he expected … Make Harris Biden again.’

2024-09-10  2535  晦涩

Journalistic moderators exist simply to serve as his foils and straight-men. He attacks them, often personally, to elide and distract from topics he would rather avoid, if the moderators have the nerve to raise them – his felony convictions, business fraud, alleged and adjudicated acts of sexual assault, attempted coup of January 6, promise of a “bloody” round-up of “millions” of undocumented immigrants, stated desire to be a dictator, to imprison his opponents including Democratic donors, and “terminate” the constitution. The presence of journalists who correct his splotched record proves his victimization.



