What are the best things to put on toast?

As moreish as Marmite: <a href="">Meera Sodha’s miso mushrooms on toast</a>.

2024-09-10  596  中等

Theo Randall, chef/patron at Theo Randall at the Intercontinental in central London, meanwhile, is more likely to be found rubbing toast with garlic, and topping it with slow-roasted tomatoes (datterini, for preference), burrata, torn basil, plenty of good olive oil, and some black pepper and sea salt. “Other favourites are ciabatta cut in half, toasted, buttered and topped with a couple of good salted anchovy fillets,” he says, plus a squeeze of lemon for good measure. If he’s in need of something more substantial, it’s got to be courgette bruschetta: “Cook sliced courgettes in olive oil with garlic and a pinch of salt for a good 10 minutes, with the lid on, so they go soft.” Uncover, and cook for another 10 minutes, so they caramelise, then add basil, and season. “Rub the toast with garlic, spread with tapenade, then put the cooked courgettes, a few rocket leaves and slivers of ricotta salata or feta on top – delicious!”



