The Guardian view on Labour’s strategy: focus on fixing Britain, not fiscal deficits

Sir Keir told trade union delegates at the TUC conference that he wanted to ‘rewrite the rules’ of the economy to fix the crisis he had inherited.

2024-09-10  573  中等

In the rush to patch and mend over the summer, Sir Keir and his chancellor, Rachel Reeves, blundered with a benefit cut that made them appear to have instincts at odds with the values of their base and much of the electorate. Whether this government has inherited the worst economic and fiscal conditions since the war is a matter of dispute. Clearly the Conservatives left the NHS and other essential public services in crisis, with anaemic economic growth and the tax burden at a post-second world war high. The country is crying out for change. Sir Keir should emphasise that his government is making the right choices, not just tough choices.



