Kamala Harris, unlike Donald Trump, was well prepared for this debate – and won

‘Trump wasn’t quite as incoherent as in some of his recent public soliloquies, but he did say some very odd stuff.’

2024-09-11  815  中等

Harris is widely said to have won the debate, by being herself, and being herself included a recurring facial expression of amused incredulity as the convicted felon on stage with her said yet another thing that was extravagantly untrue. One notable aspect of her rhetoric is how centrist it sounds – a bland but presumably strategic affirmation of support for a strong military, more healthcare, the usual Democratic party shout-outs to the middle class and support for Israel but also a two-state solution. She also expertly riled up Trump and let him go, and he went raging and free-associating throughout the 90 minutes. He is said to have lost the debate, also by being himself.



