Anna Jones: ‘Giving up meat and fish was the opposite of hard. You can be more creative’

Anna Jones: ‘Favourite food? An iced sundae glass of Kitty Travers’s ice-cream.’<br>Neusa Neves at Arlington Artists using Makeup by Mario and Color Wow Hair

2024-09-14  737  中等

My dad’s nine of 12 siblings. We would spend Sundays at my nan’s house and you’d end up with 20, 30, 40 people in this tiny terraced house. Nan would be in her minuscule kitchen, cooking a Sunday roast, and of course, there was nowhere for anyone to sit. Me and my sister used to share the arms of a sofa. That communal, convivial eating really informed how I wanted to eat and cook. Make people happy with food in that way that I saw in my nan’s house.



