The Guardian view on China’s ageing population: an economic and social conundrum

‘China is far from alone in facing the problem of too many old people and too few young workers to support them.’

2024-09-18  608  中等

The government has not only stopped limiting family size in recent years, but begun to frantically urge young couples to have more children. The young couples aren’t too keen. The population fell by 2.75 million people in 2023, its second decline in as many years, while Chinese state media says that the number of over-65s will have doubled to 30% of the population by 2035, from 14.2% in 2021. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warned in 2019 that the country’s pension pot would run dry by 2035 if nothing was done – and that was before Covid‑19 pounded its economy. The question is whether these measures approach the level of change needed, given the greying of the population. Some areas have already made cuts to medical benefits, particularly for the elderly, prompting protests.



