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The goal of this pediatric palliative program: Put family first

Jill Rachau’s daughter Emma Cromlish was born with multiple rare genetic syndromes. But thanks to a hospital program in Pittsburgh, Emma and Jill are able to enjoy time together in their front yard, away from a medical setting.


As has become her practice in fraught moments, Jamie called Carol May, director of the Division of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. A great many advances have been made in medical care that allow children with complex chronic conditions to live longer. But some families, like the Tezbirs, are choosing to prioritize quality of life. May’s team provides palliative and hospice care, which includes liaising with specialists and coordinating logistics for home-based care. They are there to advise, to advocate, to help realize a family’s wishes for their child.



