Scenes from My Open-ish Marriage


My wife walks in from work. She says, “I just had sex with a stranger.” At least, I think she said that, as I wasn’t really listening. Am I bothered? No, I am not. We have an arrangement. I mean, I think we do. Maybe we don’t. I’m not sure. We also have an arrangement about the grocery shopping and the recycling (I do both), and not just about sex. Actually, maybe sex isn’t part of the arrangement. The point is, we’re not uptight Puritans about this stuff. I want her to be fulfilled and I try to do things that support her needs. Also, it turns out she didn’t say the thing about the stranger and the sex. She said, “I just went to Trader Joe’s, because you didn’t.” I guess my mind wandered when I heard “Joe.” I also didn’t mean to say out loud, while looking through the grocery bags, “Looks like someone forgot the Sea Salt Brownie Bites.” We probably won’t have sex tonight. Or for, like, a while.



