Donald Trump’s Very Busy Court Calendar


Then, on April 25th, the Court will consider Trump’s outrageous assertion that, as a former President who was never convicted in a Senate impeachment trial, he is immune to criminal charges arising from acts within the “outer perimeter” of his official duties—a line that he believes encompasses his role in the events of January 6th. As an example of how confoundingly intertwined the cases are, a brief that Smith filed last week in the April 25th immunity case includes a footnote contending that, even if the Justices decide in the April 16th Fischer case that Sarbanes-Oxley can’t be used against most January 6th defendants, he should still be able to use it against Trump. (Smith’s argument is that Trump’s alleged solicitation of fake electoral certificates in seven states counts as classic meddling with evidence under Sarbanes-Oxley.)



