The Bronx Cheers—Mostly—for Trump

2024-05-24  865  中等

Pollen blew through the balmy air, the sun declined through the trees. Six o’clock, the hour when Trump was supposed to speak, approached. At the park’s edges, cops hooked their thumbs in the armholes of their fluorescent vests and stood back on their heels. A helicopter made its thwapping noise as it held, unmoving, at eagle altitude overhead. The line began to move. The speaking venue quickly filled up and overflowed, spilling into a large area of grass and rock outcroppings. A group appeared near the overflow area carrying a banner that called both Trump and Biden fascists. Behind it, a speaker with a bullhorn shouted, “ ‘Make America Great Again’? When was America ever great?” On one of the knolls, another group chanted “Fuck. Trump! Fuck. Biden! They. Don’t. Care-about-you!” A red hat shouted at them: “My father fought for this country! My father’s corpse is screaming at you from the grave!”



