Steve McQueen Is an Art Doer

2024-07-01  844  中等

The artist had been making the commute from the city to the museum each day, five hours of driving in all. “This trip has been work—W-O-R-K, in capitals,” he said. On Monday, his “day off,” he took meetings at the Dia in Chelsea, where he will have a follow-up show in September. That exhibit will include “Sunshine State,” a video piece that combines footage of the surface of the sun with McQueen relating a violent encounter that his father, Philbert, experienced as a migrant fruit picker in Florida in the nineteen-fifties. The work, which has been shown across Europe, has appeared in the U.S. only once before. “It was shown in L.A.,” he said. He dropped his voice to a stage whisper: “Does that count?”



