The Diabolical PBS Show That’ll Restore Your Faith in Reality TV

2024-06-25  917  中等

That was the year PBS producers selected three families to spend five months living in Montana, mimicking, as faithfully as possible, the experience of late-19th-century homesteaders. The resulting six episodes make up the most diabolically entertaining television ever created: “Frontier House.” Every great reality TV ingredient is abundant: a high degree of interpersonal conflict, a prison of one’s own making, characters who invite snap judgment and — crucially — reality. What makes “Frontier House” sublime is the variety of ways in which reality manifests: Fourth walls are pulverized as participants try to outfox production. One mother’s right to take (period-inauthentic) birth-control pills is debated. Surreally, the Sept. 11 attacks occur during filming; the cast is permitted to read newspaper coverage.



