TIMES  |  Health

How to Make Friends As an Adult—At Every Life Stage

It can feel mortifying, but that shouldn't stand in your way.

2024-08-29  1934  困难

Yet despite these obstacles, investing time and energy into growing your community is unequivocally worth it. Friendships keep us mentally and physically healthy. Plus, “I think a lot of pressure gets put on your partner to be everything,” says Duffy, author of Let’s Hang Out: Making (and Keeping) Friends, Acquaintances, and Other Nonromantic Relationships. “There’s this idea that they’re supposed to be your creative inspiration and your sexual partner and the coparent to your kids, and also your best friend—but friends bring something that your spouse doesn't. You can find parts of yourself and get inspired and have fun” by broadening your group of confidantes. 



